Historically, poets have had less to say about pandemics than you might imagine. Hardly any English-language poetry written ...
Merle Haggard has always been a stellar lyricist and singer, but this video proves that the man also had quite the knack for penning a poem.
Nevertheless, for this poem, and for the first time in his career, Frost got paid—$15, by the editor of a New York weekly called The Independent. “On reading ‘My Butterfly,’ ” Adam Plunkett writes in ...
The liturgy of Ash Wednesday has come to tell us something new about time, our time, and to invite us into a new ...
Locals Kotora usher listeners through an epic rock poem on the recent, four-song EP "No Safe Haven." The band describes its sound as appealing to fans of acts such as Saosin, AFI and Every Time I ...
Here is the poem: “Coughing and coughing, gasping for air. “Empty streets, no cars anywhere. “Curry with no flavour. Pizza ...
FOX 9 sat down with the parents of an 11-year-old girl who was killed in a crash in Independence last week. They said her legacy will live on in many ways.
One of the absolute hysterical moments of Manny Delgado on Modern Family is when he has a mini existential crisis after an earthquake hits the town. He chooses to accompany Jay to the golf ground ...
He was 88, and his time was still fast enough to earn ... magazine dedicated to traditional Japanese poetry. To be a speedskater at his age no longer involves much speed. In compression pants ...
The first time I fainted, I was a choirgirl ... Silver hymn to slip on. No thirst. A river alongside the whole way. I went to the desert instead, praying for the pearl beyond the din of text ...