Apothékary CEO Shizu Okusa says she doesn’t like working with people who call out their colleagues in front of the rest of ...
Of the many kinds of people in the workplace, one stands out to Shizu Okusa as a major red flag. It's someone who communicates poorly, especially during a conflict or disagreement, says Okusa ...
Shizu Okusa wasn't exactly sure what life had in store for her when she quit her six-figure Wall Street job in 2012. At age 22, she was a proprietary trader and investor at Goldman Sachs.
Apothekary wellness tinctures are meant to replace a glass of wine, and got me to kick alcohol while delivering great sleep ...
Novak Đoković na OP Avstralije ni bi zadovoljen s komentarji novinarja Channel 9 Tonyja Jonesa, ta se mu je skesan opravičil.
Med prazničnimi obroki so pogoste tudi slane jedi, kot so mesne dobrote, pršut, salame in različne klobase. Te jedi vsebujejo ...
Chris Eckman je tako rekoč sinonim za melanholično, razpoloženjsko glasbo - pri pisanju novega albuma pa je začutil ...