Oni Press announces that Dave Hill, Hunter Gorinson and Karl Bollers's own blood will be in Dark Regards #1 variant cover ...
"In advance of this year's annual ComicsPRO Comic Book Industry Meeting in Glendale, CA, Oni Press – the multiple ... time collaborator Dave Stewart on colors for this new, amazing project.
An inventive Pokemon player creates an interesting convergent evolutionary line for the Dark/Fairy-Type pocket monster ...
It’s a concept that allows Zawadzki to flex his design muscles as he fills environments with characters pulled from the past and the future, and Bellaire’s colors emphasize how the fantastic ...
Originally published in 2004, the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels by Bryan Lee O’Malley taught us all a little something about ...
What is the new “blue tragedy” unfolding at the abandoned hot spring? The once-popular hot spring inn known for its “beauty-enhancing hot spring” is now a ruin. There was a rumor that it ...
Scott Pilgrim's 20th Anniversary hardcover graphic novel box sets released last August for $250 each.
Carnival Night and Auction, a catered spaghetti dinner benefit, historic cemetery talk and tour of Dudley Farm ...