Red Pitaya, which does software-defined instrumentation, unveiled next-generation hardware akin to the "Raspberry Pi of measurement" gear.
A popular fast-casual concept is coming to the Highlands. Playa Bowls will open its third Louisville location at 1285 ...
Playa Bowls is set to open a new location at 1285 Bardstown Road, bringing superfood-filled concoctions to the Highlands. It ...
Playa Bowls will open its third location in Louisville this summer. It will be located in a space that previously housed The ...
Red Pitaya has announced STEMlab 125-14 Gen 2, an upgraded test and measurement platform designed for engineers, researchers, and industrial developers. The new series improves RF input performance, ...
Red Pitaya has upgraded its Stemlab 125-14 four-channel 60Mz software-defined test instrument. "This next-generation series ...
This week’s Fresh Take features takeaways and the best bites from Expo West, a story on Kettle & Fire’s bone broth, a look at ...
Social media users love to use dragon fruit cleanse as a natural laxative. But can the spiky fruit actually clear out your GI system? We talked to experts to get the answers.
TikTok users may have noticed a new trend on their most recent scroll — one that pits what people consider conservative and ...