A new week is rolling in, and it's time to turn to the Holy Trinity through prayer to keep you safe, steer clear of danger, ...
Father, hear the prayer we offer: Not for ease that prayer shall be, But for strength that we may ever Live our lives courageously. Not forever in green pastures Do we ask our way to be ...
Trust that when you lift your prayer with sincere faith, God's power works miracles in the midst of adversity.
Prayer is important. (John 14:5-6) “Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
The Lord God lives in his holy temple yet abides ... All then join hands for the Lord's Prayer: Our Father.
Today, we’ll cover the first section of what is called The Lord’s Prayer as found in Matthew 6:9-12: “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom ...
The grocery stores are brimming with cards heralding the arrival of Valentine’s Day. Many cards speak of romantic love, but ...
VERO BEACH — Gathered under a white tent at Riverside Park early Thursday were about 1,700 people, united by their shared ...