Spike is the name given to the iconic unicorn logo associated with the marathon. According to the BAA, the club held its first organized track and field competition in 1890, choosing the mythical ...
The campaign reflects the dedication of cat parents and the emotional depth that underpins every feeding moment—a gesture of ...
Chaiti Chhath is celebrated during Chaitra Navratri with a 36-hour-long fast, where women worship Chhathi Maiya and Sun God, ...
A new hotel on the remote west coast of Qatar offers the perfect escape from urban life. Angelina Villa-Clarke finds some ...
“Magnesium also supports GABA, a neurotransmitter that calms brain activity and helps the body transition into rest,” advises ...
Pick your favourite cuisine and track down your closest budget-friendly bite with our guide to the best cheap eats in ...
Eat a Variety of Vegetables: One-day bhindi, the next pumpkin (kaddu), then turai (ridge ... Try this simple movement ritual: 10 deep belly breaths before meals to activate digestion.
The top of the arrangement is decorated with a pumpkin flower and a lump of turmeric ... Young girls wear the traditional ‘Langa Oni’ meaning the half sarees during the rituals. Married women exchange ...
In the heart of Boyle Heights, where the Los Angeles sun casts a golden glow on terracotta buildings, there exists a culinary ...
For those inspired to try their hand at home tamale-making, La Mascota sells their prepared masa ready for ambitious home ...