Two Souls is being turned into a TV show – and star Elliot Page is heavily involved in bringing the series to our screens..
Two Souls TV series is in the works, with game star Elliot Page and his production company Pageboy Productions set to develop the adaptation.
I dislike talking about David Cage's oeuvre as much as most of you do, but this is a head-scratcher worth talking about: Elliot Page, who starred in the game back in the day, is planning to adapt ...
Quantic Dream's story-driven video games including Detroit: Become Human and Heavy Rain seem like ideal titles to be adapted ...
Beyond: Two Souls, the 2013 narrative adventure game developed by Quantic Dream, is the latest video game to get an adaptation off the ground. Pageboy Productions, which was founded by star of Beyond: ...
Elliot Page and Quantic Dream are developing a television series adaptation based on the video game Beyond: Two Souls.