"N" If you say...", "'z"You're good at that" Make an acrostic poem with your team name and say your determination. The ...
Poets Safia Elhillo, Jamila Woods and members of the Stanford Spoken Word Collective shared poems both personal and political ...
These days, Alissa Quart’s attention has broken into strange shapes. But she has found a reprieve in one thing: poetry.
Odysseas Elytis, the Nobel Prize-winning poet, is regarded as one of Greece’s major poets and an eminent exponent of romantic ...
In the Ancient Greek epic poem “The Odyssey,” Odysseus’ men strap him to the mast of the ship so he could hear the sirens’ ...
Following the death of his great friend Arthur Henry Hallam in 1833, the poet Alfred Tennyson began writing In Memoriam AHH, ...
Maud Ludington Cain died in 1965, and I’m guessing she’d be as surprised as anyone to learn one of her poems is being published today in the.
Now, 69-Down and 89-Across together make a satisfying solution to that across entry, FACED THE DAY. Similarly, 69- Up and ...
“Gone is the age of satire,” the speaker says, but this very poem, worthy of Swift, demonstrates that satire is, if dangerous ...
Don't just say "I like you" or "I love you"—make your love confession to that special someone in a more romantic way, with an unforgettable poem.
You have to be thin, but not too thin. And you can never say you want to be thin. You have to say you want to be healthy, but ...
Hilary Swank met her husband, Philip Schneider, in 2015. They were set up on a blind date that ended up being pretty epic.