The series is narrated by legendary actor and filmmaker Tom Hanks, which is a perfect choice for this ambitious new series.
Cosmetic experts think the 'Castaway' star underwent a hair transplant procedure ... but admitted he got a "horrible haircut" to portray Colonel Tom Parker in the 2022 film Elvis.
The journey is bookended as the mesmeric jangly guitars of Ferry 'Cross the Mersey once again kick in. It's easy to see why the charm of Liverpool would captivate a Hollywood star like Tom Hanks.
The Golden Globes host always pokes fun at the stars in the crowd, but Ricky Gervais ended up wishing he hadn't taken aim at ...
The Golden Globes will return Sunday with major star appeal thanks to a slew of big name nominees, including Zendaya, ...
But he now has competition from a more glitzy candidate, as the corporation announced it would broadcast a new ten-part nature series narrated by Tom Hanks ... Doctor Who star David Tennant ...
Biographical documentary about the life and career of the film star. What lies behind the extraordinary success of a man sometimes described as a nice guy who came first.