The sugar factory first received Shs553 billion from government in 2020, but operated for only 19 months and shut down in ...
They claim that this is polluting local water bodies and want the National Environment Management Authority (Nema) to ...
Sugarcane farmers under the Greater Busoga Sugarcane Growers Cooperative Union Limited have petitioned the government, seeking relief from what they describe as unfair income tax demands by the Uganda ...
Uganda's Ministry of Health together with its partners, the World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office and, the Africa ...
Bunyoro was earmarked for sugar cultivation by the colonial government in Uganda, but the idea of establishing a factory in ...
Brian Adams Ategeka finished first at 01:24:32, while Evas Nasasira also posted a record-breaking time of 02:06:02 ...
The government has requested parliament for at least Shs 1.205 trillion to be spent to either buy out or prop up private ...
This roadblock to sustainable growth result in financial strain instead of economic gain COMMENT | JABEZ ATERAR | Uganda’s ...
The rollout of at least 20 million doses of anti-tick vaccines requires additional funding of Shs60 billion under the ...
Farallon Capital Management is evaluating a ₹1,400 crore financing package to support INSCO's ₹1,851 crore bid for Hindusthan ...