The Beatrice girls basketball season came to an end Saturday after a loss to Class B No. 1 ranked Omaha Skutt in the district ...
Jason Kilburn’s daughter Caroline is your typical happy 2-year-old girl. To the government, Caroline is not Caroline. Instead ...
Knowing how important every point was going to be in Saturday’s chase for the team title at the girls state swimming ...
Seventh Grade Science Teacher Ron Kassmeier was honored with the Scouting of America’s Elbert Fretwell Outstanding Educator ...
A former substitute teacher at Bradford High School is charged with 17 counts of sexual misconduct for allegedly sending inappropriate messages to a teen student.
A state senator is dropping, for now, her effort to get $5 million a year in funding from the Nebraska Environmental Trust to ...
It would require all elementary school classrooms, as well as middle and high school buildings, have a framed copy or poster ...
Six days a week, 11 hours a day a Bellevue barber cuts hair and he enjoys every minute. "I love my profession," he said.
Talent Together provides pathways to teaching for those without bachelor’s degrees. It also serves teachers who want to ...
Individual farmers supported a ban on lab-grown meat from Sen. Barry DeKay of Niobrara, but advocacy groups said they ...
Iowa State athletic director Jamie Pollard has unveiled a master plan for a 94-acre multi-use development between the schools ...
OMAHA, Neb. (WOWT) - As snow continued to fall in the Omaha-metro on Monday afternoon, local school districts were working out whether to have classes on Tuesday as the snowstorm was forecasted to ...