When M23 rebels swept into the Congolese city of Goma this week, world powers urged them to immediately withdraw. Instead, the Rwanda-backed insurgents are intent on showing they can restore order and ...
It threatened "disciplinary action" for any staff ignoring the administration's orders. A sharply-worded memo sent on Saturday to more than 10,000 staff at USAID offered further guidance to Friday’s ...
U.S. President Donald Trump had threatened tariffs and sanctions to punish Colombia for refusing to accept military flights carrying deportees, part of his sweeping immigration crackdown. But in a ...
Thousands of Donald Trump's supporters packed a Washington arena on Sunday to celebrate his victory, a day before the president-elect returns to power with plans to aggressively reshape U.S.
The Eaton Fire that scorched more than 57 square km east of Los Angeles has been 100% contained, fire officials said on Friday, a largely symbolic milestone more than three weeks after two devastating ...
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry announced on Friday that foreign ministers from Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Palestine are set to convene in Cairo on Saturday. Accor ...
日本共同社報道, 日本首相石破茂在電視節目表示, 為了提升雙方信任關係, 希望在最佳時機訪華. 中國外長王毅早前曾非正式提出石破茂短期內訪華. 共同社報道, 中國領導層可能為了因應美國特朗普政府而急於穩定與日本的關係. 不過, 日本政府的方針是優先推進石破茂與美國總統特朗普的首腦會談. 另外, 特朗普稱, 石破茂將於下星期訪美, 舉行美日首腦會談. 相關人士透露, 日本政府計劃本月6日至8日, 石 ...
Athletes from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are gearing up to compete in the 9th Asian Winter Games, scheduled to be held in Harbin, China, from February 7-14. Abdullah Al-Rashid, a member of the UAE ...
運輸及物流局局長陳美寶表示, 機場三跑道系統由去年11月底啟用至今, 運作良好順暢, 一直維持着安全而有效率的運作模式. 陳美寶在網認表示, 以往的啟德機場只有一條跑道都能做到貨運量世界第一、 客運量名列前茅. 現時三跑系統條件較以往更好, 必定能充分善用三跑道的容量. 今年將會是全球旅客真正體驗到香港國際機場三跑道系統的關鍵一年, 期待民航處和機場管理局能攜手帶領香港航空發展蛻變成長.
政務司長陳國基指, 農曆新年期間市面暢旺, 酒店及零售業界都反映今年情況好. 他指, 由於社區沒有大型的跨年活動, 因此沒有延長通關時間. 而跨境交通整體暢順, 由上水接載旅客前往口岸的巴士能夠發揮作用, 日後會參考經驗作安排. 陳國基在電台節目表示, 昨晚邀請部分立法會議員到沙田屋邨酒樓用膳, 除了與議員和市民交流, 亦支持本地消費, 希望藉此鼓勵市民留意本港仍有不少價廉物美的選擇. 他又指, ...
The Trump administration is seeking to grant U.S. immigration officers access to a database that contains information on immigrant minors who crossed into the United States without their parents, the ...
美國一架載有2人的小型飛機, 在賓夕法尼亞州費城一座購物中心附近墜毀. 當地傳媒報道, 機上載有6人, 相信已經全部罹難. 報道指, 墜機事件發生在當地星期五俟晚6點左右, 現場位於費城東北面一間購物中心附近. 至少有一棟房屋與多輛汽車著火. 數十名消防員事後到場救援.