The number of audit firms registered with the recognised supervisory bodies continues to decline, according to a new report, ...
£25k was received from an investor a few years ago under a SAFE agreement, this agreement stating a discount of 90%. When a capitalisation round took place a couple of years later, 134 shares were ...
A client company has received £150k in dividends from its subsidiary, bar a small amount of rental income this is it's only income, looking at the CT ...
Since 2018, QuickBooks has been helping accountants, bookkeepers, and their clients prepare for Making Tax Digital (MTD). Now, with the MTD for Income ...
This may be an unusual situation, but my managing director is simultaneously running his own company while also working as an employee for another ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) has entered the mainstream, shaping how we live and work. The changes we’re witnessing today could be the tip of the ...
The Müller Group has built itself into one of the main players in the dairy industry, with the kind of household name recognition that others would kill ...
It is well known than non-residents are within the scope of CGT after the sale of UK properties (both residential and commercial).
A recent case before the first tier tribunal (FTT) that HMRC might have believed would be a “slam dunk” victory has proved to be nothing of the ...
For Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) members braced for the renewal of their practising licence (and the accompanying fees), news ...
Anyone who has dealt with HMRC can know how protracted even simple disputes can be. More complex affairs can seem to be never ...
I've got a client who has accidentally paid her employee the "net pay" figure from our BrightPay reports instead of the "take home pay" figure.  She says ...