Konrad Adenauer was born on 5 January 1876 in Cologne. His father, Konrad, was a civil servant in the middle grade of the civil service. His mother, Helene Scharfenberg, also hailed from a civil ...
Konrad Adenauer is the founding Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. The foundational policies set during his term as Chancellor (1949-1963) are still shaping the internal structure and ...
Konrad Adenauer is the founding Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. The foundational policies set during his term as Chancellor (1949-1963) are still shaping the internal structure and ...
Konrad Adenauer is the founding Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. The foundational policies set during his term as Chancellor (1949-1963) are still shaping the internal structure and ...
Konrad Adenauer is the founding Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. The foundational policies set during his term as Chancellor (1949-1963) are still shaping the internal structure and ...
Konrad Adenauer is the founding Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. The foundational policies set during his term as Chancellor (1949-1963) are still shaping the internal structure and ...
Konrad Adenauer is the founding Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. The foundational policies set during his term as Chancellor (1949-1963) are still shaping the internal structure and ...
Apart from being the largest democracy and like-minded country in East Asia, Japan is a longstanding value partner to Germany and Europe. Even before its Free and Open Indo-Pacific vision, Japan has ...
Die zweite Amtszeit von Donald Trump als Präsident der USA wird weltweit mit Spannung erwartet. Seine Ankündigungen werden ...
Traditionell versammelten sich die Mitglieder des KAS-Alumni-Clubs zum Jahresende und organisierten ein Panel zum Thema ...
Ab Sonntag soll es in Gaza eine Waffenruhe geben - aber das israelische Kabinett hat dem noch nicht zugestimmt. Das Abkommen hänge noch an Details, sagt Politologe Michael Rimmel.