While the previous U.S. administration issued a sanctions exemption on January 6 to allow transactions with Syria's governing institutions for six months, Qatar does not see this as enough to cover ...
The Second Agreement Concerning Amendment to the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) Agreement on Trade in Services (agreement II) was implemented on Saturday, ...
Multiple U.S. federal agencies told employees not to respond immediately to a demand by President Donald Trump's adviser Elon Musk to list their accomplishments in the last week or be fired, as a ...
The Trump administration has for weeks been blocking the U.S. National Institutes of Health process for issuing new research grants for everything from Lyme disease to lung and heart disease, ...
The Alternative for Germany, which has morphed since it was founded in 2013 from a party of libertarian economists to an anti-immigration, pro-Russia group, is forecast to have won the backing of ...
Volleys of gunfire rang out in Democratic Republic of Congo's eastern border town of Uvira on Wednesday, local sources said, as clashes broke out among allied forces amid the advance of Rwanda-backed ...
When Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine nearly three years ago, then-U.S. President Joe Biden took a firm stand in solidarity with Kyiv, forged a bulwark of European ...
Astronomers for the first time have deciphered the three-dimensional structure of the atmosphere of a planet beyond our solar system, revealing three layers like a wedding cake on a ferociously hot ...
警方在荃灣檢獲約值767萬元懷疑毒品, 一名男子涉嫌藏毒和販毒被捕, 明早在西九龍裁判法院提堂. 警方昨日在荃灣馬角街一幢工業大廈, 截查一名18歲可疑男子, 在他身上搜出一克懷疑大麻, 其後再搜查他在大廈內租用的一個迷你倉, 檢獲約9公斤懷疑可卡因.
景瑞控股(01862)公布, 集團於2025年2月的合約簽約銷售額約為6200萬元人民幣, 按年下跌百分之44.6; 合同銷售面積約為4,181平方米; 合同銷售均價每平方米約1萬4,829元人民幣. 截至2025年2月28日止二個月, 集團累計合約簽約銷售額約為1億2200萬元人民幣, 按年下跌百分之61.6; 合同銷售面積約為9,022平方米; 合同銷售均價每平方米約1萬3,523元人民幣.
台積電將在美國加碼投資至少1000億美元, 外界憂慮台灣的矽盾優勢可能慢慢遭瓦解, 台灣當局回應表示, 台積電目前2納米和1.6納米先進製程, 明年不會在美國生產. 台灣傳媒報道, 台灣當局在立法院回應立委質詢時強調, 台積電的半導體供應鏈研發中心留在台灣, 先進製程明年不會到美國生產. 台積電董事長魏哲家周一在美國白宮, 與美國總統特朗普會面後, 共同宣布, 將在美國追加投資1000億美元, 並 ...
台灣藝人王大陸涉嫌殺人未遂被捕, 移送至新北地方檢察署偵辦. 台灣傳媒報道指, 王大陸日前透過網約車平台叫車, 懷疑不滿車輛的質素太差, 不符合要求, 其後找人毆打司機和派車員, 兩人傷勢嚴重. 警方以涉嫌殺人未遂將王大陸移送偵辦. 王大陸早前涉嫌偽造醫療證明逃避兵役, 以15萬元新台幣交保, 原訂最快本月13日入伍服役.