器にごはんを盛って(3)をかけ、粗びき黒こしょうをふり、パセリを散らす。 〈プラスエコ〉残ったトマト水煮はココット焼きで使いきる トマト缶のココットエッグ (141kcal/塩分1.3g) 材料 ...
時は19世紀半ば。 しっかり者の長女・メグ、勝気な次女・ジョー、シャイな三女・ベスに、おしゃまな四女・エイミー。 そんなマーチ家の四姉妹の日常を瑞々しく描いた小説が、世界中の ...
9月3日(火)の「踊る!さんま御殿!!」は「世代間ギャップに悩んでいる有名人」 ...
簡単・便利で毎日の献立作りに役立つ、 おいしいレシピ満載! 毎週 月~土曜日 11:45~11:55 ...
今週末21日(土)は「水戸市民会館グロービスホール」にて開幕致します! 当日券は各開演時間の40分前よりグロービスホール入口のチケット売場にて販売開始いたします。 ※2歳未満のお子 ...
After being nominated as prime minister at the extraordinary Diet session to be convened on October 1, I will hold a general ...
S/ NTV Reporter/ The entry of visitors who won lottery tickets to the final panda viewing day has started.Fans visited ...
S/ NTV Reporter/ The truck carrying Ri Ri and Shin Shin is leaving for Narita Airport.Giant pandas left Japan after 13 ...
The Shizuoka District Court has acquitted an 88-year-old man who was sentenced to death in 1968 over the murder of a ...
S/ Kobayashi Ken, chairman, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry:It is a time when we need a shift in every aspect, ...
S/ Hakamada Iwao, Acquitted in retrial / I can't wait to say these words, but victory through acquittal has come to ...
S/ NTV Reporter/ There is a big image of Ohtani Shohei designed onto this plane.Japan Airlines introduced a Dodger’s ...