The story begins when Aristide, a wealthy businessman living with his family in a massive mansion ... with international flair This 1922 Agatha Christie novel follows Tommy Beresford and Prudence ...
There are multiple aspects of both Agatha and Wanda’s stories that have major similarities. Everything from their early family experiences to their romantic entanglements to even their children ...
Agatha Christie's Poirot 72 episodes When a stranger is found murdered at Warmsley Vale, the Cloade family ask for Poirot's help to find out if the dead man was Rosaleen Cloade's first husband.
A sizzling new Agatha Christie murder mystery series ... an exiled cousin with a grudge, a venerable family lawyer, an inquisitive orphan and a French conman, and soon there will be murder.
Enter the world of Agatha Christie's 1944 novel as images for BBC's Towards Zero were released. Starring The Addams Family's Anjelica Huston and The Invisible Man's Oliver Jackson-Cohen ...
Show more Agatha Christie revolutionised the world of detective ... dark imagination of a refined Devonshire lady, discovering family secrets and a childhood haunted by a sinister figure.