The discovery of a well-preserved fossil is helping researchers learn more about an iconic Jurassic-period dinosaur.
Discover daily furry fun facts. Whether adorable or kind of gross, our pets never cease to amaze us. Join us in exploring their world!
Hand-washing works One major point the COVID-19 pandemic helped drive home is how important it is to wash your hands. Washing ...
So many in fact, that you’ll have a hard time narrowing down a list of the best Disney World rides for 3 year olds — ...
Daylight Savings Time is often thought of as primarily benefitting farmers, but in actuality there are many businesses that ...
In the last couple of years, the nation’s shelters and rescues have seen a decline in the number of dog adoptions. Our ...
Discover daily furry fun facts. Whether adorable or kind of gross, our pets never cease to amaze us. Join us in exploring ...
From the weird to the wonderful, here's our roundup of animals you've never heard of before (and certainly won't forget in a ...
The groundhog saw its shadow on the second day of February, so we are all supposed to buckle up and get ready for six more ...
At home on the rocky shorelines of the Scandinavian coasts, the Norwegian Lundehund is a canine to behold with a vibrant ...
If you had told me I’d witness this while staying at Victoria Falls Safari Lodge the year I turned 30, I would have scoffed ...
The teen Yellowjackets seem to be having fun when we first rejoin them. Taking bets now for which one gets eaten first.