Prepare to get schooled If you have kids in school, or even if you don’t, you’ve probably realized that there’s a lot about ...
President Donald Trump recently signed an executive order aimed at expanding school choice. The order directs federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Education, to issue guidance on how sta ...
For students, not knowing the right answer is uncomfortable and frustrating. That’s exactly why they need to experience it.
And when our kids focus more on memes than math, they fall behind. Experts agree with me. New York University professor Jonathan Haidt, author of “The Anxious Generation,” warns that “the ...
Literacy is a gift we give our children. It’s reading a poem by, say, Joseph Bruchac and understanding not just the words, but the emotions behind them: “The old man must have stopped our car two ...
In India, many kids who work in retail markets have good math skills. They can quickly perform a range of calculations to complete transactions. But as a new study shows, these kids often perform ...
If that phrase confuses you, but you've heard your kids belt it out ... The sweatshirts feature a cartoon version of Langel singing her now-famous catchphrase. TikTok creators have also made ...
“Because kids are changing. Their needs are changing ... collaborating with other districts, strengthening math instruction and supporting principals. McClay spent more than 30 years in Southern ...
To curate this list, he dives into Netflix’s catalogue every month to surface family-friendly titles both kids and adults can ... the Sandman’s first cartoon in over two decades.
Blame COVID, when far too many kids were forced into virtual schooling for far longer than they should’ve been. The results in math were not so abysmal, but students have still lost substantial ...