So shifting personnel from another military service or another combatant command “is a zero sum game,” meaning that “someone will have to pay in readiness or future response,” said the ...
Before we begin, Heroes of Hammerwater 2 console commands only appear to work in the demo, not the base game. The developers are working to add mod support to the game and even include Steam ...
To hedge against this technological risk, Strategic Combatant Command leaders have firmly stated that they will “never allow artificial intelligences to make [nuclear use] decisions.” This echoes the ...
Combatant commands that oversee those regions also would be subjected to a review. Hegseth made no mention of adding or cutting resources to U.S. European, Central and Africa commands, saying ...
DOD should decentralize acquisition authorities and provide combatant commands with direct control over a greater share of the budget to rapidly field new technologies. The current U.S. military ...
“This organization is doing a great job from a value perspective, and I know the Army and our combatant commands realize it.” ...