Explore new worlds with the best VR headsets on the market as we delve into and examine models from Meta, HTC Vive and Playstation. We've explored the world of virtual reality and come up with a ...
La Domus Aurea, straordinaria testimonianza dell’ambizione dell’imperatore Nerone, continua a rivelare i suoi segreti. Durante recenti indagini archeologiche, gli studiosi hanno riportato alla luce un ...
Here’s how it works. I've covered VR headsets for nearly ten years, and I'm going to use this experience to help you buy the right one for you. Let's make one thing clear from the get-go ...
What are the best VR games? When it comes to VR games, we’re entering a golden era, kickstarted by the release of the Meta Quest 3. That being said, if you have any major VR gaming headset ...
I started with CNET reviewing laptops in 2009. Now I explore wearable tech, VR/AR, tablets, gaming and future/emerging trends in our changing world. Other obsessions include magic, immersive ...
The best VR headsets can be your introduction to a very different and immersive gaming experience, especially if you're checking out the tech for the first time and wondering which is the best ...
Si potrà visitare da Dublino quanto rimane della Domus Aurea di Nerone stando comodamente seduti in poltrona. Si tratta ovviamente di una visita virtuale, in lingua inglese, a cura di Mario ...
The monumental Domus Aurea, the palatial residence built by Emperor Nero in the heart of Rome, continues to unveil fascinating secrets. Recent archaeological research has brought to light a unique ...
Have you ever wondered if VR is bad for your eyes? Here's what experts have to say about virtual reality headsets. Jessica was a writer on the Wellness team, with a focus on health technology ...
Non a caso tracce di blu egizio sono state rinvenute nelle domus più ricche di Pompei, ma sempre sotto forma di polvere o piccole sfere. Nella dimora di Nerone, vasta come una città, non poteva ...
If PSVR 2 is your first foray into the world of VR, there are plenty of great games to check out across a variety of genres. If you need a headset, here's where to buy PSVR 2 right now ...
La Domus Aurea non smette di stupire e regala una nuova scoperta legata alle botteghe che lavorarono agli affreschi della monumentale residenza voluta dall'imperatore Nerone. Recenti scavi ...