Experts argue it's too easy for councils to find 'excuses' to axe trees that are loved by residents. Find out more.
Anywhere between 1,000 and 5,000 years old in age, here are some of the oldest trees in the world that have stood tall ...
Want fresh, delicious fruit? Plant these fast-growing fruit trees that grow well in Southern climates. Experts share what to ...
It's important to choose a healthy stem for propagating your weeping fig as using a weak stem may grow a weaker new plant or ...
Most of Los Angeles was undamaged by the fires, and tourists are flocking to areas like Santa Monica with its pier, beach, ...
There are many times in the Bible where a fig tree is mentioned. Have you ever taken the time to study the intricate growth ...
As Irish writer and journalist Róisín Lanigan publishes her debut novel about a young couple who move into a property too ...
Depending on the size and variety of the pear tree, expect it to bear fruit between three to seven years of age. “You can ...
Just because we don’t live in a Mediterranean climate doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy growing the common fig tree (Ficus carica).
The best-selling author and frontwoman of Japanese Breakfast confronts ambition and desire on her new album, ‘For Melancholy ...