A recent Heritage Foundation report warns, U.S. fertility is now below replacement. More marriage is an answer to the issue.
TV personality, heart surgeon, and CMS nominee Dr. Mehmet Oz touted three reforms to fix the U.S. health system: giving patients more information to navigate the system; using AI to ease paperwork ...
Democrats have found themselves faced with a massive branding problem, and many liberals will look to capitalize on it. Enter ...
One of the law’s worst provisions is the so-called “ pill penalty .” Under this rule, newly approved small-molecule drugs — ...
Finland may soon become the first country to develop a permanent way to store spent nuclear fuel by burying it in tunnels ...
Now, less than four months later, Denman and his Flag Family Media radio broadcast partner James McCarty are readying to ...
Deep sleep plays an important role in learning and memory storage, "by facilitating a process called 'memory consolidation,' ...
“Fresh green peas are an antioxidant-, protein- and fiber-rich legume that will make an excellent addition to your ...
In today's Dear Annie column, a frustrated mother seeks Annie's device on how to deal with troubles between her and her son.
In developing hearts, cells shuffle around, bumping into each other to find their place, and the stakes are high: pairing with the wrong cell could mean the difference between a beating heart and one ...
Cells in the developing heart must find the perfect match, much like a game of microscopic speed dating. Using filopodia—tiny ...
Robotics has transformed minimally invasive surgery, providing greater precision, less pain, and faster recovery times for ...