New “slow flower” farms grow beautiful blooms—without health-harming chemicals used by overseas operations that dominate the ...
Discover the best times to fertilize hydrangeas to ensure healthy growth and vibrant blooms. Learn about suitable fertilizers ...
To begin prepping geraniums for May’s outdoor containers, starting about March 1, trim the plants back a little, removing all ...
removing all flowers and buds, and shortening back the winter growth. Trimming will encourage sturdy, well-branched plants. Also around March 1, begin fertilizing the plants with a water-soluble ...
Azaleas have low nutritional needs to put on a brilliant show of flowers. However, they do need an occasional boost to keep ...
While flowering for some species might be triggered by seasonal cues like day length, air plants reluctant to bloom might ...
England where they quantified and identified the flowering plants and the insect pollinators (bees, wasps, flies etc.) present across 18 paired fertilizer treatments at Park Grass. They found that ...
If you've waited all year for your Christmas cactus to develop cascading blooms only to be disappointed by a dismal display, the right fertilizer might help.
Soil/Fertilizer: Use potting soil that has good drainage, not topsoil or garden soil. Always premoisten the soil before ...
It can take several months, including a period of dormancy, before the bulb has enough energy to produce another flower.
Tropical trees like plumeria do not thrive in most parts of the United States because they require hot and humid conditions.
Enjoy vibrant, long-lasting blooms indoors with these stunning houseplants that, grown together, will add color to your space ...