Tia Ainsworth's eating disorder left her too weak to exercise - now she's helping others to weight train.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is raising awareness about prioritizing joint health and mobility and is helping fans fuel their ...
Physical and mental health motivations came in second and third, with 19% and 17% of comments respectively. These results ...
A former employee of Knoxville Twisters Cheer and Tumbling, Inc. was indicted on charges of statutory rape and statutory rape by an authority figure, documents show.
Sometimes a workout you dislike comes with benefits. Cardiovascular exercise improves heart and lung health and reduces the ...
I may be down an eye, but I can still see how quickly the fitness industry is evolving. Instead of struggling through your ...
But having her 11-year-old daughter Satya as her gym buddy has changed everything. "We work out twice a week together. She's doing everything that everyone does in the class. She's using barbells, ...
Protein consumption is a hot topic on social media — and in real life — with influencers encouraging viewers to add protein staples to common meals.
In Michael Joseph Gross' comprehensive book about powerlifting and muscle — 'Stronger' — former strongest woman in the world ...
As the winter weather warms, St. Paul’s sauna scene is also heating up. Whether for relaxation or fitness, infrared sauna ...
Please send your questions to Miss Manners at missmanners.com, by email to [email protected], or through postal mail ...
Myers told Vogue that “some people would probably throw up” if they tried one of his tailored workouts for Swift. How could I ...