An insurance company has filed a lawsuit against companies allegedly responsible for an explosion and fire that damaged 20 buildings, displaced 22 residents and injured two dogs in Woodstock in 2023.
The other day, I heard someone say, "Dogs are not people." The longer I pondered on those four words, I realized just how ...
A dog named Zelda who was abandoned in the lobby of an animal shelter with no explanation is struggling to get by as she ticks past 250 days without adoption.
Within 20 minutes, Kea found A.J. lounging on a stranger’s porch. For Ms. Albrecht, it was a turning point. “We have all ...
The canine behaviour expert has shared that despite his years of experience working with dogs of all ages, shapes and sizes, ...
Breeds most susceptible to these major breathing diffulties can also be seen in pugs, Pekinese dogs, Boston Terriers, ...
The shelter wants to find Eggroll his forever home — can we help them get this sweet pup a family? The Pit Bull Terrier looks ...
Thank you to nice people who try to make other people’s days better by doing things such as saying kind words, letting ...
Of the lucky pups who were adopted last year, it seems more have found their forever homes: The number of dogs surrendered by ...
Wren appeared initially nervous around her new family's cats but then something happened that changed everything.
Trooper's Law, a bill that would make restraining and abandoning a dog outside during a natural disaster a third-degree felony, passed the Florida Senate on Wednesday in a 39-0 vote.
which states that "an officer shall not discharge a firearm at a dog or other animal, except to protect a member or person from imminent physical injury and there is no opportunity to retreat or ...