The capital city of Romania is brimming with interesting ... all over the country and include 19th-century homes from traditional regions such as Maramures, Olt, Alba, Neamt, Suceava, and Brasov ...
The Sony World Photography Awards returns to celebrate contemporary photography and the ways the arts reflect the world ...
Tucked away in northwest Romania lies a hidden gem of a village where time stands still and ancient traditions continue to ...
În ultimele zile, România a fost lovită de un val de frig extrem, adus de un vortex polar, care a determinat scăderea ...
Un tânăr ucrainean care a intrat în România prin munÅ£i ÅŸi care a cerut ajutor la 112, a fost salvat de către salvamontiÅŸtii ...
Unii spun că aceasta este cea mai frumoasă staÈ›iune montană din România È™i probabil că au dreptate. Un lucru este cert: mii ...
Romania is ready to deal with potential post-election capital outflows should a far-right candidate win the presidential ...
Trovants are rocks that grow by absorbing minerals from rainwater. Romania is home to a cluster of trovants that inspired ...
Thirty-five years after the horrors of the Ceaușescu dictatorship were discovered in Romania, our reporters investigated one of the darkest episodes in the country's history – the squalid ...
Between 2011 and 2014, Romania's economy began a slow recovery. Although home purchase intentions remained below historical averages, they showed gradual improvement, supported by rising wages and ...
Deloitte România a asistat grupul britanic de investiÈ›ii È™i de management imobiliar M Core în preluarea unui portofoliu de È™apte mall-uri din România de la investitorul È™i operatorul imobiliar MAS PLC ...
KBC, cea mai mare bancă din Belgia, analizează posibile achiziÈ›ii pe pieÈ›ele din Europa Centrală È™i de Est, inclusiv în România, a declarat joi pentru agenÈ›ia Reuters directorul general Johan Thijs, ...