The supervisors reaffirm December decision to remove Treasurer-Tax Collector Shari Freidenrich’s investment authority.
The Office of the El Paso County Tax Assessor-Collector announced that it is temporarily closing two offices, effective March 1. The offices that will be closed are ...
In a press conference that was supposed to cover an audit on Tulsa Public Schools (TPS), Oklahoma State Auditor and Inspector ...
The lawsuit contends that the new policy is spreading fear of raids, thus lowering attendance at worship services and other valuable church programs.
Trump reiterated as he signed the proclamations that more tariffs would be coming on computer chips, autos and pharmaceutical ...
Ravenel previously served as the South Carolina treasurer but resigned from the position after being convicted of cocaine ...
Nearly three years after Brad Sigmon got his third and last reprieve from execution, the death row inmate has been issued a new death warrant. He is set to be executed March 7, the fourth state ...
A Salem, Massachusetts, resident was recently out walking their dog when they saw a tiny feathered animal huddled in front of ...
Earlier in the day around 3:30 p.m., 150 people briefly blocked traffic on Central Avenue outside the field office of the ...
Procrastinators and property owners in Door and Kewaunee Counties can avoid penalties by paying their taxes on time.
Larry Grooms is calling for Loftis to resign and the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday passed a resolution to pay a private accounting firm to “babysit” the Treasurer's Office — as Grooms ...