You're about to meet one of the rarest dog breeds in the world, and this good girl is absolutely gorgeous. As much as we all love mutts and mixed breeds, it's always so cool to see a purebred pup, ...
For the third year in a row, the comical, controversial Frenchie tops the club’s annual rundown of the nation’s most ...
Your pup is one smart cookie, but is it among the most intelligent dog breeds? Find out with our science-backed ranking. Smartest dog breeds, ranked for intelligence Dogs have been humankind’s ...
African giant pouched rats like Carolina prevented nearly 400,000 new cases of a deadly disease. It's possible because of ...
Rats are, in many ways, better adapted to cities than the humans that built them. While urbanites struggle with crowds, sparse parking spaces, and their upstairs neighbors stomping around at 4 ...
On the East Coast, especially in major cities, rats are seen as a nuisance. On the West Coast in Portland, they receive ...
and 27 to 94 rats per hectare in tropical hammock." "Females are able to breed beginning at 8 weeks and go into heat every ...
They're able to breed more, and typically, their litters are larger at warmer temperatures in the lab." The analysis used public complaints about rats and inspection records from 16 cities between ...
A B.C. landlord says their tenant caused extensive damages to their rental unit, including some damage by their pet rat and its 16 babies. The landlord applied for dispute resolution with the ...
A B.C. landlord says their tenant caused extensive damages to their rental unit, including some damage by their pet rat and its 16 babies. The landlord applied for dispute resolution with the ...