Marvel Animation has shared a new look at Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and this sneak peek highlights Charlie Cox's Daredevil, the villainous Doctor Octopus, and...Captain America: Civil War ...
The next entry in the Ninja Gaiden series stars a new protagonist named Yakuma who acts in opposition to Ryu Hayabusa, the series' previous hero.
Publisher Xbox Game Studios and developers Team NINJA and PlatinumGames have announced NINJA GAIDEN 4 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC (Steam, Microsoft Store). It will launch this fall. It ...
Ultimate Spider-Man #13 by writer Jonathan Hickman, artist Marco Checchetto, color artist Matthew Wilson, and letterer Cory Petit picks up where the previous issue left off, following Mary Jane's ...
Shadows combines the openness of Odyssey and Valhalla with the urban density and verticality of classic Assassin's Creed. Here's a look at the game ahead of its March 20 release.
Ted Price, the founder and president of Marvel's Spider-Man, Ratchet and Clank, and Resistance developer Insomniac Games, has ...
Insomniac still isn't ready to talk about Marvel's Wolverine, though the studio does recognize that there is "pent up excitement" around the game.
There are some interesting developments going on with the black symbiote suit in the pages of Ultimate Spider-Man, including ...
Insomniac Games' founder and CEO Ted Price is stepping down from his role, and is set to be replaced by three co-studio heads ...
Check out the hottest games slated to launch on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, and Xbox in 2025. And maybe even the ...
They are In the jointly written blog post, the three said: "Sharing the news that Ted is retiring from Insomniac Games is ...
Insomniac Games founder and president Ted Price has announced that he’s retiring. Having founded the Spider-Man and Ratchet & ...