Those of us still struggling to be faithful to the true Catholic church in these perilous times should pray for priests who, recent messages from Heaven say, ar ...
Prayer: “Oh, glorious St. Cyprian, with your immense power, you help those who invoke you with faith and love. Today I come ...
Prayers and fasting, Eucharistic adoration and getting back to the basics of the Catholic faith are some of the ways the ...
Miracles at both shrines show how God uses simple elements — just as he did in Scripture — to bring healing and conversion.
The threat of a more major earthquake seems to have subsided on the most visited of the Greek islands but experts disagree on ...
“I am not exiled, I am liberated. I do not feel exiled, but liberated,” emphasized Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Álvarez during ...
One vote each. The problem with having a single vote is that the policies of any single party, platform or candidate seldom align perfectly with Catholic social teaching.
When saying the rosary, many people add the Fatima prayer to the end of each decade, which ends by saying “Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy.” This reminds ...
Q: Is there a more appropriate time or way to pray the rosary before Mass? Also, what about public prayers after Mass, such as the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel? A. These are things the liturgy ...