First released for PlayStation 3 way back in 2013, Beyond: Two Souls is another stylish but somewhat nonsensical narrative ...
From Sonic the Hedgehog to Fallout, there are more and more quality shows and films to watch based on some of the most ...
Quantic Dream's interactive drama Beyond: Two Souls is being adapted into a TV series from Elliot Page via Pageboy Productions. Deadline reveals that Page has acquired the adaptation rights of the IP ...
Two Souls is being turned into a TV show – and star Elliot Page is heavily involved in bringing the series to our screens..
I dislike talking about David Cage's oeuvre as much as most of you do, but this is a head-scratcher worth talking about: Elliot Page, who starred in the game back in the day, is planning to adapt ...
Elliot Page is producing a TV adaptation of 2013 video game 'Beyond: Two Souls'.
Two Souls TV series is in the works, with game star Elliot Page and his production company Pageboy Productions set to develop the adaptation.
To date, Sony has released about 19 games on PC, with plans to bring more games uncertain. If the rumors are true, fans will ...
Attention Beyond: Two Souls fans! Quantic Dream' s video game will soon be adapted into a TV series, as explained by Deadline. Pageboy Productions, headed by Elliot Page, has acquired the rights from ...
Netflix unveiled the official opening sequence for Adi Shankar's Devil May Cry series, featuring a release date and Limp Bizkit.
Take a look at some new Armies of Infamy options we’d love to see in Warhammer: The Old World.
We're waking up and repeating the day with these Groundhog Day style time paradox RPGs, board, and card games.