Berlin as an international meeting place for cultures - this is the basic idea behind the international dance festival Tanzolymp. Tanzolymp is a competition for young dancers aged 10 to 21 and takes ...
The lion’s share of AfD’s votes, however, came from eastern Germany, where they won a huge majority of the states, losing out only in Leipzig and Berlin. By contrast, in the west they won just ...
By Scott Roxborough Europe Bureau Chief For fans of Babylon Berlin, the wait is (almost) over. The show’s fifth and final season is set to finish shooting later this year, and co-creators Tom ...
Zur Entwicklung der ‚Berliner Meilensteine‘ wurden zahlreiche, auf dem deutschen „Fachmarkt“ verfügbare Beobachtungsverfahren auf ihre Eignung für die Nutzung in Berlin analysiert. Diese Analyse ...
Link to Steven Soderbergh Movies and Shows, Ranked By Tomatometer What to Watch: In Theaters and On Streaming. Link to What to Watch: In Theaters and On Streaming.
At the Berlin International Film Festival, the onscreen mood was downbeat, but the program still held some gems. By Beatrice Loayza Reporting from Berlin The skies are typically gray and gloomy at ...
By Eve Sampson and Christopher F. Schuetze The police in Germany detained a suspect in a Friday stabbing attack at Berlin’s iconic Holocaust memorial that left one person seriously injured.
Die Handballer der Füchse Berlin haben im Rennen um die direkte Viertelfinal-Qualifikation in der Champions League einen herben Dämpfer kassiert. Der Bundesligist unterlag am Donnerstagabend ...
Berlin. Das Kinder-Casting im Friedrichstadt-Palast ist streng. Warum so viele ins junge Ensemble wollen, und das Projekt bedroht ist. Als sich die Pforten des Friedrichstadt-Palastes am ...