The show is coming to FX and Hulu this summer and is called Alien: Earth, which feels like a working title they eventually ...
"Alien: Earth" is a new TV prequel to the "Alien" franchise. It starts when a spaceship crashes on Earth with a xenomorph on ...
question about whether xenomorphs were originally created from the black goo’s mutation effects on other life forms, or if the goo was originally extracted by from some kind of biological source ...
The most detestable horror movie villains of all time.
FX has recently dropped a new trailer of Alien: Earth that showcases a creature lingering inside a spacecraft. The emergency lights are flickering red we get to know about the containment breach ...
The Alien franchise normally features humans fighting the xenomorphs in space. In Alien: Earth, the extraterrestrial creatures are bringing the battle to Earth. The official teaser trailer for ...
"Alien: Earth" is bringing the xenomorphs somewhere they've never been ... who has the brain of a child and the body of an adult. She is joined by "Scream" and "The Mandalorian" star Timothy ...