"Alien: Earth" is a new TV prequel to the "Alien" franchise. It starts when a spaceship crashes on Earth with a xenomorph on ...
The show is coming to FX and Hulu this summer and is called Alien: Earth, which feels like a working title they eventually ...
"Alien: Earth" is bringing the xenomorphs somewhere they've never been ... who has the brain of a child and the body of an adult. She is joined by "Scream" and "The Mandalorian" star Timothy ...
Earth. The upcoming TV series will be the franchise's first venture on the small screen. It will debut on FX and Hulu this ...
One of the most iconic horror movie monsters in history, Freddy Krueger has maintained a lasting legacy in the horror genre.
Earth heading to screens not long after the streaming release of Alien: Romulus. FX has dropped a trailer for Alien: Earth, ...
Ready to face the xenomorphs again? Check out all the details ... Chandler's character Wendy is a woman who has the body of an adult and the consciousness of a child. Timothy Olyphant plays ...
Hawley also went on to talk about the Xenomorph in depth ... a meta-human who has the brain and consciousness of a child but the body of an adult." Filming began in Thailand (April 19) with ...
Chapter 4 takes place inside Playtime’s Prison, a facility meant to house only the experiments. Now, it’s the home of the dead, but the few characters that remain are hoping you will stop The ...