PM Narendra Modi congratulated Christian Stocker on his swearing-in as Austria's Chancellor, expressing hope for a ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday extended his congratulations to Christian Stocker on being sworn in as Austria's new ...
Three parties say they have reached a deal to form a new centrist Austrian government, five months after an election was won ...
Austria inaugurates its first three-party government since WWII, sidelining the far-right FPO despite their election win. The ...
More than five months after elections, Austria appointed a conservative-led government entrusted with pulling the economy out of recession while cutting the budget deficit and reversing a surge in rig ...
Three moderate Austrian parties struck a deal to form a new government, moving ahead with a coalition which will need to make ...
Austria swears in its first three-party coalition since World War Two. The conservative People's Party, Social Democrats, and liberal Neos form the government, excluding the far-right Freedom Party ...
The three-party government, Austria's first since the late 1940s, is due to take office on Monday, provided all parties approve the deal, the chief hurdle being a vote of Neos members on Sunday ...
The government will be led by the centre-right People’s Party (OVP) and its 64-year-old interim leader Christian Stocker. A ...