Yamin Shwe, 20, fled Myanmar for Thailand after the junta announced a nationwide draft in February. Yamin is assisted by her ...
YANGON: Census takers guarded by police and soldiers took to the streets of Myanmar on Wednesday for a national survey that ...
Census takers guarded by police and soldiers took to the streets of Myanmar on Wednesday for a national survey that ...
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand has seen a surge in illegal drugs trafficked from neighbouring Myanmar and a sharp increase in ...
Thailand has witnessed a hike in illegal drugs entering the country from Myanmar since the outbreak of the civil war, said ...
The Political Prisoners Network Myanmar says prisoners with life-threatening conditions are only given paracetamol.
Further, in its editorial, the magazine submits that “…..the reality today [in 1999] is that the Nigerian nation is ...
Currently, the junta only fully controls Yangon and Ayeyarwady regions. Ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) and People Defence ...
As mass violence grips large areas of Myanmar’s Rakhine State, people have been trying to flee into neighboring Bangladesh.
MNDAA reports six civilians killed in Lashio as the junta escalates airstrikes despite its call for negotiations.
The Better Business Bureau provides this regular column to help consumers make informed choices and avoid scams.
U Moe Kyaw, a spokesperson for the Yaung Chi Oo Workers’ Association (YCOWA), a nonprofit organisation based in Thailand’s ...