Pushkara Mallikarjunaiah, producer of the 2020 Kannada film "Bheema Sena Nala Maharaja," has accused the creators of Nani's ...
Pushkar Mallikarjunaiah took to Instagram to claim that Hi Nanna was remade without officially buying the rights of the alleged original version.
Shouryuv-directorial Hi Nanna released in 2023 and was a massive hit. It starred Nani, Mrunal Thakur and Kiara Khanna in lead roles.
Producer Pushkara Mallikarjunaiah has accused the team of Hi Nanna for creating a “cheap copy” of his Kannada movie Bheemasena Nalamaharaja without securing the remake rights. The Telugu film’s makers ...
Il tanto atteso live-action di Biancaneve si avvicina sempre di più al suo debutto nelle sale italiane, previsto per il 20 marzo 2025. Intanto, il nuovo trailer rilasciato oggi da Disney ci offre un a ...
In questa nuova anticipazione, scopriamo perché la più antica principessa Disney ha il nome che porta, e questa versione differisce dal classico ...
Gian Luca Nani completes his exclusive interview by discussing what the targets were for this season and if the head coach is exceeding expectations.
Natural Star Nani’s 2023 romantic drama 'Hi Nanna' won hearts with its emotional storytelling. The movie, starring Mrunal Thakur as the female lead, r ...
Pushkara Mallikarjunaiah, a Kannada film producer known for Avane Srimannarayana and Kirik Party, has accused the makers of ...
Kenan Thompson reflects on his 22-year streak on SNL as a cast member while praising his job. Read on to know the details.
Utilizza dati di georilevazione precisi ed esegui una scansione attiva delle caratteristiche del dispositivo per ...