الرباط - 1 - 10 (كونا) -- أطلقت وكالة بيت مال القدس الشريف نداء لمساعدة الفلسطينيين وتمكينهم من أسباب العيش الكريم في مواجهة تحديات مقلقة فرضها الاحتلال الإسرائيلي وتهدد ببقاء المقدسيين في أرضهم. وقال ...
RAMALLAH, Oct 1 (KUNA) -- Palestinian sources said on Tuesday that two young Palestinians were killed and four others were injured due to Israeli occupation forces assault on the City of Nablus, West ...
TEHERAN, 1 er Octobre (KUNA) –-Les autorités locales iraniennes ont annoncé, mardi, la mort de 15 personnes, à la suite de cause d’inondations saisonnières dans la province de Kerman, située dans ...
KUWAIT, Oct 1 (KUNA) -- The State of Kuwait continued to pursue stronger relations with international partners and the global community, which came in line with the country's long legacy of improving ...
Koweït, 1 er Octobre (KUNA) -- Le 15e avion de secours a décollé, mardi matin, du pont aérien koweïtien à destination de ...
WASHINGTON, Oct 1 (KUNA) -- US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Washington, to enhance cooperation on critical ...
BAGHDAD, Oct 1 (KUNA) -- The Baghdad International Airport and security post saw two Katyusha rockets attacks earlier this morning without loss in lives, said a security statement on Tuesday.
1958 -- The Kuwaiti Cultural Office in Cairo began managing Kuwaiti missions in Egypt and overseeing affairs concerning ...
BAGDAD, 1 er Octobre (KUNA) – Le ministère irakien de l’Intérieur a annoncé que l’aéroport international de Bagdad et un quartier général de la sécurité ont été attaqués à la roquette, mardi matin, ...
ANKARA, Sept 30 (KUNA) -- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged the UN General Assembly on Monday to immediately recommend the use of force for Gaza, similar to the a 1950 measure known as the ...
BRUSSELS, Sept 30 (Kuna) -- Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Hadja Lahbib said on Monday that Belgium voiced "deep concern" over "the escalating violence in the Middle East and the tragic loss of ...
ابوظبي - 30 - 9 (كونا) -- فاز فريق (الأهلي) السعودي على مضيفه (الوصل) الاماراتي بهدفين دون رد في اللقاء الذي جمعهما اليوم ...