The Taliban executed an unarmed civilian, Najibullah, in Balkh province, despite video evidence showing he posed no threat.
The Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP), affiliated with ISIS, has claimed responsibly for killing 14 men in Daikundi ...
The Taliban recently imposed additional restrictions on media organizations in Afghanistan, prohibiting criticism of their ...
Now, there are reports that even al-Qaida is regrouping and is acquiring abilities to plan and launch terror attacks on ...
Afghan parliamentary election is due in September, the list of candidates includes hundreds of warlords and those accused of war crimes and brutalities against Afghan people. Many of them still have ...
The Afghan Freedom-loving Youth Group started a movement of slogan-writing and poster campaign in three different cities of Afghanistan a few days before the dark days of 28th and 27th. A group of ...
The Emperor Babur described Paghman as 'one of the most desirable places in Kabul' in the 16th century. During King Amanullah (1919-1929), it was made summer capital and many beautiful public ...